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Minutes of the meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Town Hall South, Newtown.  Second Senior Burgess Jay Maher called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.

Present:  Second Senior Burgess Jay Maher, Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean,
               Treasurer and Burgess Marie Walker, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez, Burgess
            Betsy Kenyon, Clerk and Burgess Darlene Spencer

Absent:   Senior Burgess Joan Crick, Burgess Anthony Baiad (8:15), Warden James Gaston

        Burgess Kenyon made a motion to accept the February 9, 2010 meeting minutes, seconded by Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

        Public Participation:  George Schmidt of 12 Old Castle Drive asked if any decision had been made regarding his suggestion that the Borough publish actual expenditures when the proposed budget is published in The Newtown Bee and also, if the Borough will publish public notices of any expenditures outside the budget in excess of $10,000.00.
        Discussion followed and it was decided that these questions will be tabled until Warden Gaston arrives at the meeting.
        Burgess Maher tabled the Warden’s Report until Warden Gaston arrived                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .

        Tree Warden:  Tree Warden Rob McCulloch had nothing new to report.

        Tax Collector's Report:  Tax Collector Enriquez reported the following for the combined months of February and March:  Total Taxes Due for the List of 2008:  $159,253.03.  Current Taxes $164,023.26; Back Taxes $1,184.63; Interest $749.09; Lien Fees $72.00; Return of Overpayments ($11,478.74).  Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date $153,500.00.  Current Taxes Collected 95.8%.

        Burgess Kenyon made a motion to accept the Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.  
        Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Walker reported the following:  A transfer was made on March 3, 2010 of $6,000.00 to cover Federal Tax Expense.  Another transfer of $12,000.00 was made on March 9, 2010 to cover this month’s invoicing.  The total in the NSBMM Account is $239,236.00 as of March 9, 2010.  Capital Reserve is $1,889.31 as of February 28, 2010.

        Burgess Spencer made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

Zoning Officer’s Report:  Zoning Officer St. Jean stated that there is an application before the Borough Zoning Board of Appeals for two modular buildings for St. Rose School.  Discussion followed.  She updated the Burgesses regarding the pending sale of the building next to Hawley School and the negotiations between the person purchasing the building and the school for a right of way to be granted to the school.  She is also working on the signage displayed in the Borough.  The Shops at Newtown are going forward and they have gone to the State so that the traffic light on Queen Street across from My Place Restaurant will have a four-way stop.  Toro Restaurant has nearly completed their work on a hibachi area on the second floor.  The Newtown Hook & Ladder Company #1 does have new plans for their proposed new fire house, but they do not have the financing through the Town as yet.  Discussion followed.

Warden Gaston arrived and took over the meeting from this point on.

Historic District:  Burgess Kenyon reported that are no new applications.  Burgess Maher reported that he hasn’t heard back from the State with regard to the installation of the Borough signs.  He will contact them.

Sidewalks:  Burgess Maher talked to Rob Connor regarding the sidewalk restoration in front of the Rohmer residence.  When the nice weather arrives they will begin work on it.

Streets & Parks:  Burgess Maher stated that the bench in front of the General Store appears to be broken.  He thinks it can be repaired and will take a look at it.

Warden’s Report:  Warden Gaston contacted the payroll service located in Sandy Hook.  He and Clerk Spencer will meet with them soon to finalize the details.
Warden Gaston stated that the reason he was late to the meeting was that he was at the meeting of the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers.  The Borough will move into the old First Selectman’s office on May 1st.  Discussion followed.
Warden Gaston indicated that he reviewed George Schmidt’s email and the request that when a special appropriation is made in excess of $10,000.00 that the Borough be required to make public notice of it.  This special appropriation is similar to what the Town takes out of an unrestricted account with no type of public notice with respect to it.  The Borough could, as part of a policy and when practical, publish notice of a special appropriation of 10% or more of the budget (approximately $20,000.00) and the notice would be posted on the website.  It would be too costly to publish it in the newspaper.  The public notice through the website is sufficient.  The Borough’s notices, agenda, and minutes are accessed through the Town’s website.  Discussion followed and it was agreed upon.
Warden Gaston said that the Borough’s budget will show the actual expenditures for 2008-09, estimated expenditures for 2009-10 and proposed expenditures for 2010-11.  

Old Business:  none  

New Business:  Treasurer Walker stated that we need a transfer of funds to Payroll Tax Expense.  Discussion followed.

Burgess Kenyon made a motion to transfer $6,000.00 from Tree & Tree Maintenance to Payroll Tax Expense, seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

Budget:  A work session followed.

Public Participation:  None

The next regular meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Office at Town Hall South.

There being no further business, Burgess Kenyon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

Darlene M. Spencer, Borough Clerk